高考英語作文 有關暑假生活的高二作文600字
更新時間:2024-05-23 21:11:41作者:貝語網校
高考英語作文 有關暑假生活的高二作文600字English composition
About the summer vacation life of senior two composition 1
My summer vacation life is happy, comfortable, there are endless fun, now tell you a happy thing!
Remember the holiday has a month, my sister came to our home sister said she wanted to go to the 'history museum' mother promised, the next morning my sister and I will get up and start to the history museum, to the station we take the '401' to the Cuihua Road, As soon as we got off the bus, we saw five big words "History Museum". My sister and I lined up for four hours to buy tickets. After buying tickets, we entered the history Museum.
As soon as I entered the door, I saw a very large stone lion, around the stone lion saw the 'gallery' We entered the gallery there are so many pictures in the gallery, there are tigers, plum blossoms, lions, elephants and so on, and the paintings in the gallery are very famous, such as Tang Bohu painted: four seasons.
After visiting the gallery we went to visit the ancient cultural relics, I saw the golden monster, ape man, golden basin and some ancient very famous things, there are terracotta warriors inside!
After visiting the ancient historical relics, we went to visit the history of Zhou and Qi. Although I did not understand it, I still understood some things about ancient times, such as the Silk Road. My sister and I also saw a large cemetery, 40 meters by 36 meters with a rectangular hole for the coffin in the middle that was 7 meters by 3 meters. There was also a lot of gold and jewels in the pit.
My sister and I went on to visit the Antique Gallery, where many of the lost objects were all in the gallery.
After visiting these places of interest, my sister and I took pictures of almost all the cultural relics.
The purpose of visiting the history museum is to let us know something about ancient times. Through this visit, I not only know a lot about ancient times, but also know the emperors of Zhou and Qi, which are helpful for my future study, so I must bear it in mind.
The history museum is so interesting that you can also visit it if you have time!
About the summer vacation life
The holiday, with the sound of the bell, our summer vacation life began.
The next day, I and the summer homework launched a "race", I in and summer homework constantly "race", bit by bit to consume its "physical strength", with the help of my mother, I finally won the summer homework, in addition to the summer homework - the teacher's additional homework - day? Reading, English composition, I continued to write, and finally I completed the five passes.
In this more than a week, I like a bird flying out of the cage, spread its wings in the blue sky flying freely. In addition to reading, there is a lot of time to watch TV and play computer. When I went to school, I had to get up on time at 6:30 every morning, but now, I opened my sleeping eyes more than 8 o 'clock every morning, so I don't have to wear clothes and dilly-dally. After breakfast, watch TV, read some extracurricular books.
Just off the summer vacation, in addition to playing computer at home, or at home, there is no school happy, can not play games with good friends. Whether it is happy, or relaxed and annoyed, but I still feel good about the summer vacation
Summer holiday is coming, I am really very happy. Not only because I can play as I like, but also because my summer vacation is full and meaningful.
There is no homework this summer holiday, because I am going to high school! But still can not relax oh! Because I have to go to school for the placement exam in August, I have to review the knowledge every day, so as to ensure that I will remember the knowledge. Of course, in addition to review, there are preview! The content of high school must also be understood first. My friend borrowed some high school textbooks and I came to look at them every day. However, English is not understood, can not read ah! So I bought a VCD and read it for half an hour every morning. Then to review, in this way, high school English learning will be easier.
Summer vacation of course also have to work study! Oh, me! Just wearing holiday lights. My sister and I took some of the holiday lights our neighbors gave out every summer. We've already made a hundred or two hundred dollars this summer! How's that?? Isn't that cool?
About the summer vacation life of senior two composition 3
Some people's summer vacation is happy, some people's summer vacation is hard, and some people's summer vacation is sour and hot, and my summer vacation is happy and colorful.
"He died before he was ready, long enough to fill his skirt with tears." I followed the route of Zhuge Liang's seven northern expeditions in that year, and came to the longing Tianshui. Tianshui, also known as Qinzhou, has a beautiful legend of "Tianhe water injection" and is the hometown of Fuxi. Official goose ditch, also known as "small Jiuzhai", Gubai sky, a hundred birds contend, a hundred herbs in the garden, medicine, a stream, clear, handsome men and women, the elderly and children are not playing in the stream, I also quietly raised the water gun, aimed at grandpa, suddenly "fire", grandpa was I soaked into "drowned chicken", "ah!" I got shot, too. Who was sneaking up on me?
"Music is the joy of life; Music is a fresh spring of life." My mother loves beauty, dancing and singing, so I fell in love with music and piano. In the school, I followed the teacher over and over to play "The Stars of Baghdad", "children's Sonata", sweat wet my dress; After school, the piano became my playmate, the keys became my toys; In my sleep, I gently beat my hands on the bed, and my mouth kept humming. Music let me learn to dress up, music let me develop consciousness, music makes me happy every day! I told my mother, "I'd rather eat music than take calcium tablets."
"There is a golden house in the book, and there is a jade in the book." I often forget myself because of books, revel in books. Books are a colorful world. I walked into 100,000 Whys. It turns out that there are steppes under the sea, lionfish are poisonous, spiders are not insects, and the smallest country in the world is called Vatican City. "Reading a good book is like making a good friend." A vivid, lively, interesting "Journey to the West", let me love. Tang Monk's great compassion, Sun Wukong's wit and courage, Zhu Bajie's pure kindness, Sha He's hard work, and Little White Dragon's obscurity left me a deep impression... Books are my friends, pass my knowledge, accompany me to grow up!
Tianshui line to increase my knowledge, music to add happiness to me, books to increase my strength, I love you, summer!
有關暑假生活的高二作文 篇1
一進門便看到了一個非常大的石獅子,繞過石獅子看到了‘畫廊’我們進入了畫廊畫廊里的畫可真多啊,有老虎、梅花、獅子、大象等等,畫廊里的畫都是非常有名的比如唐伯虎Tang Bohu(人名);畫的:四季圖。
參觀完畫廊我們便去參觀古代的文物,我在里面看到了金怪獸、猿人、金盆和一些古代非常有名的東西,里面還有兵馬俑Terra-Cotta Warriors;呢!
參觀完古代的歷史文物我們又去參觀關于周國和齊國the State of Qi;的歷史,雖然我不懂但是參觀完之后我還是懂得了關于古代的一些事情比如說:絲綢之路。我和姐姐還看到了大型公墓,墓長40米寬36米中間有一個放棺材的長方形洞那個洞長7米寬3米。坑內還有很多的金銀gold and silver;珠寶。
參觀歷史博物館就是為了讓我們了解關于古代的一些事情,通過這次的參觀我不但懂得了很多關于古代的事情,還知道了周國和齊國the State of Qi;的皇帝,這些對我將來的學習都有幫助所以我一定要銘記在心。
有關暑假生活的高二作文 篇2
剛放暑假,除了在家玩玩have fun; play;電腦之外,還是在家,沒有上學時的快活,不能和好朋友們在一起玩游戲。不管是快樂,還是輕松和煩惱,但我仍覺得放暑假的感覺真好
有關暑假生活的高二作文 篇3
“出師未捷身先死,長使英雄淚滿襟。”我沿著諸葛亮當年七次北伐的路線,來到了渴盼的天水。天水,又名秦州,有“天河注水”的優美傳說,是伏羲的故里。官鵝溝,又稱“小九寨”,古柏蒼天the blue sky;、百鳥爭鳴,百藥園里,藥香醉人,一條小溪,清澈見底,帥哥美女、老人小孩都未在小溪邊嬉戲,我也悄悄舉起水槍[礦業] hydraulic giant;,瞄準爺爺,突然“開火”,爺爺被我淋成了“落湯雞”,“啊!”我也中彈了,是誰在暗中偷襲我?
“音樂,是人生的快樂;音樂,是生活中的一股清泉。”我媽媽特愛美,愛跳舞,愛唱歌,我也跟著愛上了音樂,愛上了琴。校園里,我跟著老師一遍又一遍地彈著《巴格達的星星》、《兒童小奏鳴曲》,汗水打濕了我的長裙;課余時,鋼琴成了我的玩伴,琴鍵key (on a musical instrument);成了我的玩具;睡夢中,我用雙手在床邊輕輕地敲打,嘴里還不停without stop;地哼著曲子。音樂讓我學會了打扮,音樂讓我養成了自覺,音樂讓我天天快樂!我告訴媽媽“我寧愿吃音樂,也不再吃鈣片。”
“書中自有黃金屋,書中自有顏如玉。”我常常因為書,忘記了自我,陶醉在書中。書是一個豐富多彩的世界。我走進《十萬個為什么》。才知道了海底也有大草原,“獅子魚”也有毒,蜘蛛不是昆蟲,世界上最小的國家叫梵蒂岡。“讀一本好書,就像交了一個益友。”一部生動、活潑、有趣的《西游記》,讓我愛不釋手。唐僧Tang Monk;的大慈大悲、孫悟空的機智勇敢、豬八戒的單純善良、沙和尚的任勞任怨、小白龍的默默無聞給我留下了無比深刻的印象……書是我的朋友,傳我知識,伴我成長!