更新時間:2024-11-10 14:45:58作者:貝語網校
"Progressed" 是一個形容詞,通常用于描述事物的發展或變化。它表示事物已經向前推進或進步,通常用于描述時間、進度、進展或發展過程。例如,“這個項目已經取得了顯著的進展”或者“他的職業生涯已經取得了長足的進步”。
1. progressed through (或progressed to) 完成,進展到
例句:He progressed through high school and went on to college.
2. progressed steadily 穩步前進
例句:The company has been progressing steadily over the past few years.
3. make progress 取得進步
例句:We must make progress if we want to achieve our goals.
4. progressively 逐步地
例句:The new technology is being implemented progressively.
5. progress in (或on) 在...方面取得進步
例句:We are making progress in our efforts to improve the environment.
6. progressively improve (或progress) 逐步改善
例句:We need to progressively improve our skills and abilities to achieve our goals.