那是在我讀二年級的時候,數學老師在門口說:“等一下要考試" />
更新時間:2021-05-19 04:00:53作者:網絡
這篇好,關于生日的,還有翻譯呢,適合你學寫英語作文啊,改幾改,就可以上交啦,呵呵 an unforgettable brithday 一次難忘的生日 i was born on may 19,1980.every brithday i receive presents such as toys,candy and books from my parents and frients.but this brithday is different.我生于1980年5月19日.在我的每個生日我總是受到我父母和朋友給我的禮物,例如:玩具,糖果和書.然而今年的生日不同. on the morning of my fourteenth brithday,i got up earlier than usual to make breakfast for my parents.i wanted to give them a surprise.this is the first time i have got up earlier than my parents and made breakfast for them.and i will never forget their smiling faces when they saw what i did for them.在我第14歲生日的早晨,我起得比平時早,為我父母做早餐.我想給他們一個驚喜.這是我第一次起得比我父母早,也是第一次給他們做早餐.我永遠也不會忘記當他們看到我為他們所做的早餐時他們微笑的臉龐. 手多,買二送一,送多你一篇啦。不過文章好復雜咯,難懂,有好幾個單詞我都唔識添,你睇住辦吧! 要求: 寫解釋人們為什么淪為廣告的犧牲品的一個大約 80個字的段落 給倆參考 一。人類有他們的弱點。 要流行 ,是 lovde,流行的停留,轉到,一個安全感 b。廣告者使用弱點。 利用,新、涼爽,熱地,刺激,跟隨流行,成為受害人 答案: 煉煉筆吧: humans are created with weaknesses. they are followers with credulity, while all the advertisements and tv commercials are specifically designed to exploit from the weaknesses of mankind. they created something called fashion, which makes people that buying their product is essential to keep on the time. however, when they purchased the products, a new fashion would again be created by the fashion-creators, or the so-called advertisers. they gave people guarantees of the quality of their products, showing them the convincing but fallacious "evidence" to prove their high-quality, and it was always too late when people discovered the truth----the payment was already made. after all, we are dwelling into a society filled with advertisements, and our motions are captured by those cunning commercial psychologists: the advertisers