更新時間:2021-05-14 06:35:37作者:網絡
勤工儉學,一個聽著多么高尚的字眼,但是我們今天看到的是良好的初衷卻給我們的大學生、我們的國家帶來那么多的傷害。在法律法規并不十分完善,勞動權利保障和安全等方面的問題突出,且缺乏自我保護意識,加上初涉校外工作的情況下,社會上發生了許多利用大學生勤工儉學進行欺騙的事例,有很多人上當受騙 讓他們對社會失去信心,還有上吊自殺的!難道這不令人感到悲哀嗎?
The Spring Festival
This year, I had a exciting Spring Festival. Do you want to know about it? Let me tell you.
First, I went to Ocean Park with my family in Hongkong. I was very exciting there. I ate the sea food. I played with the dolphins! I was really happy there!
Then I went to the Disneyland. It was very romantic. We enjoy ourselves there. It remind our mind to our childhood! We will have another chance tour Hongkong. We will come there again!
This is my Spring Festival. What about you?